In this post we are going to review about the popular mobile messenger whatsapp by which you can chat with your friends instantly without the trouble of adding them or log-in to the messenger.
Do you wanna stay connected with your friends everyday without the need of Facebook, SMS, yahoo/hotmail etc? Then whatsapp is the answer. Whatsapp is a real time mobile messenger which connects to the internet automatically whenever your friends send a message. You get the notification instantly to your message like a SMS. It's actually works like SMS without any cost. You don't need to add your friends in the messenger because whatsapp automatically adds everyone from your phone contact option. If your friends mobile number is added in the contact, you can chat with him if he/she also has installed whatsapp.
Connectivity: What's app can be used by Wifi or cellular connection. Of course cellular connection is not free that's why wifi is recommended. But if you don't have wifi you can use your mobile operator internet connection. But don't worry , it cost very little unless your mobile operator is too bad.
List of the features of Whatsapp:
1) It works like Sms. Whenever anyone send you a message , you are gonna get it instantly without logging in.
2) You don't need to add friends. If you have the contact number of your friends , you can chat without any trouble.
3) You can send photo , audio, video , your location map etc instantly. So it's like having all the features of sms, mms, video calling , sharing documents etc via mobile to mobile.
4) The app is available to each and every smart phone. So no matter which smartphone you are using, you can always use it.
5) It's free
6) You can create groups to chat together.
7) You are going to love it once you know how to use it.
8) You can block people you don't wanna chat with.
So, if you haven't heard of Whatsapp yet then make sure you try it. Go to this link ( from your mobile phone and download the app. Install it and have fun :) If your friends do not have this app, tell them to install it so that all of you stay connected.