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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Interesting Blue ringed octopus facts

The Blue ringed octopuses are very small in size but one of the most venomous marine organisms in the world. They are found in the Australian southern coast. There are at least 5 different species of Blue ringed octopuses are found in the ocean. A Blue ringed octopus is as small as a golf ball but contains enough toxin to kill 30 adult human.

In this Hub I will share some of the interesting facts about Blue ringed octopus.

Interesting blue ringed octopus facts

1) The Blue ringed octopuses is very small in size. It is only 5-7 inches long. It could easily fit into the palm of your hand. But never dare to do it because it might kill you.

2) A blue ringed octopus is a small organism but has enough toxin to kill 30 adult Human. There is no known antidote available. But artificial respiration could remove the toxin and save the life of the victim.

3) The toxin of a Blue ringed octopus is 10,000 times more toxic than Cyanide. The Toxin is produced by bacteria in the Salivary Glands of the Octopus.

4) During the Reproductive process both Male and female Octopus will die. The male dies soon after mating with the female Octopus. On average, a Blue ringed octopus lays 50-100 eggs. The female octopus protects the eggs for many months. During this period the female Blue ringed octopus does not eat anything and will die just after hatching the eggs.

5) When a Blue ringed octopus takes rest, the ring does not look blue. But when it provokes, the ring burst into bright blue color.

6) The Blue ringed Octopus takes rest during the day and goes for hunting at night.

7) The main diet of a Blue ringed octopus consists of small fish, crab, shrimp and other smaller marine creature.

8) Mostly Blue ringed octopuses are found in the southern cost of Australia.

9) A juvenile Blue ringed octopus is as small as pea.

I hope you have enjoyed reading all these interesting Facts. Please do comment and rate this Article. 

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